Meliá Hotels International Cuba uses cookies and other similar technologies on its websites to make the sites run more smoothly and to improve the user experience. The purpose of this document is to inform you of the policy on the use of these cookies. Using the Meliá Cuba websites without disabling the cookies on your browser implies that you agree to this cookie policy. If you prefer to have more control over your visit to our website, you can adjust your cookie settings accordingly.
What are cookies?
- Cookies are small text files that websites send to the browser and which are stored on the user’s computer or device. They have various functions: storing your browser preferences, collecting statistical information, enabling certain technical functionalities, etc. Cookies are sometimes used to store basic information on the browsing habits of the user or their device, so that they can be recognised.
Why are they important?
- Cookies are useful for several reasons. From a technical point of view, they allow websites to run more smoothly and in line with your preferences, for example by storing your language or your country’s currency. They also help website managers to improve the services offered, thanks to the statistical information collected through them. Lastly, they are used to make the advertising we display more efficient, and this means that we can offer services free of charge.
How do we use cookies?
- The following types of cookies may be installed when browsing this site:
Performance cookies:
- These kinds of cookies store your preferences for certain tools or services so that you do not have to reset them every time that you visit our website and, in some cases, they can be provided by third parties.
Statistical analysis cookies:
- These enable us to monitor and analyse user behaviour on our websites. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure the activity on the sites, app or platform and to create user browsing profiles for these sites, in order to make improvements to the service according to the data usage of the users.
Geolocation cookies:
- These cookies are used by programs that try to identify the geographical location of the computer, smartphone, tablet or smart TV, in order to offer you the most suitable content and services, totally anonymously.
Registration cookies:
- When you register on our website, cookies are generated to identify you as a registered user and to indicate when you have signed in to the site. These cookies are used to identify your user account and its associated services. These cookies operate until you sign out, close your browser or turn off your device. These cookies can be used together with analytical data to individually identify your preferences on our website.
Advertising cookies:
- These cookies, provided by us or by third parties, enable us to manage the advertising spaces on our website effectively, adapting the advertising content to the content of the service requested or to the usage made of our website. They tell us about your internet browsing habits so that we can show you advertising to suit your browsing profile.
Other third-party cookies:
- Some of our sites may have third-party cookies installed to enable us to manage and improve the services offered by these third parties. For example, the statistical services of Google Analytics.
Cookies used on the website
- The following table shows the types of cookies used most often on the website, with an explanation of their purpose.
Type of cookie Data processed Purpose Strictly necessary User session, details of registration, bookings. Management of registration and maintenance of the user session, browsing personalisation, load balancing. Performance / Monitoring
Google AnalitycsWebsites visited, frequency, number and repetition of visits, browsing time, searches performed, links accessed, browser used, operator providing the service, location linked to the IP address. Measurement and analysis of user browsing, monitoring and analysis of user behaviour, creation of anonymous user browsing profiles, making improvements based on the analysis of the data usage by users. Advertising / targeting User browsing interests, preferences shown, method of interaction with the website, advertisements shown and opened, web pages visited. Optimisation of the advertising spaces offered on the websites in order to offer advertisements of interest to the users, to identify the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and to improve them. How can I set my preferences?
- You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your device by setting the options on your internet browser. If you decide to block them, certain services that require their use may not be available to you. Here are some links that will provide you with information on how you can activate your preferences on the main browsers:
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer explorer-9
Mozilla Firefox